Contact us

telefon Schatenweg 26
D-33104 Paderborn
telefon +49 (0)5254 / 64036-26
fax +49 (0)5254 / 64036-20

telefon Christian-Reil-Str. 15
D-26506 Norden
telefon +49 (0)4931 / 8209005

Free Call

This service is only available to customers within Germany.


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You were or are already our customer and want to leave a brief comment about our services? That makes us happy. Please pay attention to the following things while writing:
- Write in complete sentences, - Pay attention to spelling (especially case-sensitive), - Your comment should include at least 100 characters.
If you don't want your full name to be published, shorten the first name or just leave it out (for example, "S. Smith from London or Mrs. Smith from Manchester").
And: don't worry - your e-mail address won't be published or shared with third parties.
Thank you very much for your feedback!

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